Sunday, June 26, 2011

"The Look" by Sara Teasdale

"Stephen kissed me in the spring,

Robin in the fall,

But Colin only looked at me

And never kissed at all.

Stephen’s kiss was lost in jest,

Robin’s lost in play,

But the kiss in Colin’s eyes

Haunts me night and day."

— Sara Teasdale (The Collected Poems of Sara Teasdale)

Friday, June 10, 2011

My Challenge For Y'all: Are YOU ready?

Hey y'all!

Tonight I find myself with a vibrant green journal on one side, and a refreshing bottle of Tazo Organic Iced Green Tea on the other. As I listen to a beautiful prayer in the form of a song called "The Altar" by Tricia Brock (of the Christian rock band Superchic[k]), I am praying about what God's will is for me concerning technology at the moment. I've been asking God, "How long do You want me to take a break from social networking?", and I can feel Him say, "Forty days." And my answer? "WHAT?!!" Yes, Jenna is in fact quite a bit of an extrovert, BUT ya know what? I know that God knows what is best for me, and I am thrilled to be a part of this adventure of trusting Him, even if it means taking a break from social networking for awhile!

So, I'm gonna issue y'all a challenge, as well. This doesn't mean necessarily giving up social networking for forty days, but maybe, just maybe, you are feeling God putting that on your heart also. No, what I'm challenging you to do is this:  spend that time that you would normally Facebook and go, and dig into the Bible. If you don't normally do it on a regular basis, I'd suggest just starting with one chapter, and then seeing what God has shown you through that.

Haha, and for those of you who want to take "Jenna's June Challenge", feel free to read below:

1.  Read the Book of James.

2.  Journal daily throughout this month.

3.  Don't use social networking for ONE day. (Yes, folks, it sometimes can be harder than it sounds, especially if you're addicted to Facebook. XD But, I know you can do it!)

4.  Send an encouraging note/letter to someone. It really means a lot! They will be blessed. :D

5.  Please pray about sponsoring a child in a foreign country. For more info about child sponsorship, feel free to check out some of the following organizations:

-Impact Ministries International (
-Food For The Hungry
-World Vision

6.  Please pray for the Babb family as they reach out to the people of Haiti with the love of Jesus, as well as for Kathleen Willet who will be the hands and feet of Jesus in Uganda from this coming Monday to late October, as she impacts lives for the Kingdom.

May you be blessed, and draw closer to the heart of the King!

all my <3 in Jesus,
